Thursday, March 15, 2012

Stick This In Your Pipe And Smoke It

  Sacred Space is established throughout all human groups. The Australian aborigines believed certain caves possess spirits that would not allow humans to enter the sacred caves. All Muslims, who can afford it, make way on a pilgrimage to the Kaaba at least once in their life. It is required because the Kaaba is the most sacred of places for the Islam faith. Transcendental writers find that nature is the essence of  serenity and holiness. These writers earn a new perspective of being at one with themselves after experiencing the spirituality of the forest. 

  In my opinion, sacred space is somewhere a spiritual experience can be had.  A place I find truly sacred is a pond I've hiked to for many years of my life. My father and I would camp over night there. I was able to hike around this pond by myself, in the woods, where no car will be heard. This pond made me view life in ways and understand myself. Where ever sacred space is, it somehow affects spirituality.

   Spiritually is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as "1. relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things" Sacred space and spirituality belong together as tobacco belongs within  it's pipe burning slowly. Location is the importance of this space, but at the same time the location is in the eye of the one on the hunt for their spiritual journey.


  1. Replies
    1. G-Wiz, you have done a most excellent job of defining sacred space in general. You hit all the major points: religious sacred space, natural sacred space and a thorough description of your own personal sacred location. However, if I may be so bold, I do believe that you could have gone into more depth as to how YOU define sacred space. You stated that your personal divine location allowed you to "view life in ways," but what ways do you mean? I would like to know what specific set of criteria you use to define a location as sanctified.
      I apologize, the internet connection in my cave is spotty. Here's a reposted (and complete) comment. You have a good night meow.

  2. The piece was very well written. I like how you brought in the spiritual aspect of sacred space, instead of defining it simply as a religous site. However you could've explained the pipe analogy a little bit more. It's a good concept, but I'm curious as to how you came to it. Like CaveCat said you hit all the major points!

  3. Gee wiz what an interesting bold post! I was especially intrigued by your final sentence. I too agree that the sacred space is not necessarily a location. It's interesting, also, that you allude to the fact that we're on a hunt for a sacred space through our "spiritual journey." My only concern would be that sometimes when we look too hard for something it tends to not appear. In this scenario, I believe searching for a sacred space could lead to one not being existent at all.
