Friday, April 27, 2012

Aristotle Finds That 'Humans of New York' Exemplifies Ideals As A Reflection of Shared Experience

An online collection of photographs of the people of New York City, Humans of New York shows how our experiences influence our Ideals. The photographs themselves depict the 'interesting' people the photographer felt worthy of capturing with his camera. The comments of the viewers also shows which forms they consider closest to Ideal, and how certain traits make up the collective human Ideal. For instance, there are consistently comments on the 'cute' factor of a smiling older man, leading it to seem that our Ideal older gentleman has a happy countenance. The website depicts hundreds of such examples of semi-universal Ideals based off a collective opinion of hundreds of comments. The images have many shared qualities that combine to form an Ideal 'Human of New York': a stylish, happy person with a unique quirk that marks them as extraordinary. An Ideal 'Human of New York' made up of hundreds of singular experiences.

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