Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ficino Stares at the Starry Night

In this painting I can see the forming of the skies. This painting displays the universal idea of God as the center point. Fire, air, and earth are three of the ideas of the angelic mind and are shown in this painting by Van Gogh. There is also a kind of beauty as one can experience the art using the senses. I can see the stars in my mind’s eye as I recall with my mind the true stars in each clear night. As “the World-Soul turned toward the Mind and toward God ...  it found the ornament, from the Soul, of all the forms which are seen in this world; thus out of chaos was made a world” so too in “Starry Night” there is also a calm on the earth while the chaos in the sky points back to the way love connects back to God (Ficino 206).  

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