Monday, June 4, 2012

Fate Determines All

In life it is the myths and the stories that give us a larger understanding of where we have come from, who we are now and who we are going to be in the future. They give us meaning and self-worth by laying out the blueprints to our past. Stories and myths allow us to explore our background and learn about the people's lives that led us to the lives we lead today. To gather truth about our existence we must first listen and interpret stories that date back as early as possible; over time stories lose little details that gives the story its importance. Although any story has its role in who we are; every story is a part of us. I believe that each story is a piece of yourself. Without stories and myths, traditions would lost, lives would be forgotten and culture would be colorless. Everything and everyone would blend in with one another, human beings would lose their ability to be unique. As human beings our life's mission to to solve little mysteries about ourselves to answer our ultimate question of, who am i? I am always fascinated when I hear a new story from before I was born, I love being able to  take that information and apply it to my history. Learning something new about myself gives me a feeling of self-worth and belonging. My favorite stories are the ones that have to do with fate. I firmly believe that fate is what determines our future. Its almost inconceivable to imagine that if my grandfather had not gone to Italy on a once in a lifetime vacation, they would never have met and my mother would have never been born. It is the little things that fate determines that ultimately lead to the larger, life-changing events. 
"We all need help from birth to life.." This is true in the sense that as babies we always need a guardian to be able to feed, clothe, protect and to nurture us. Having a guardian also helps us create a sense of language, culture, and family. This will ultimately help us become more and more familiar with who we are. To have a peaceful death, one must believe that they have achieved a significant life. One must be proud of their success and accomplishments. Although death is the hardest part of life to be able to handle, it is a natural occurrence. The hardest death to deal with is the loss of one's own child. Not only is a loved one lost but also the parent's sense of living eternally.  Personally I am very afraid of death. Unfortunately I had to watch my grandfather suffer through about ten years of pain before his passing. It is incredible how much a death of someone so close to you can make you awake of how short life really is. After my grandfather's passing I made it my personal goal to accomplish anything I put my mind to. On my death bed, I want to able to reflect on my life and say that I have lived without a single regret.


  1. I completely agree with your idea of being curious about the past. I also think about how if for some reason my parents didn't meet, or my grandparents didn't, or their parents didn't meet what would happen. Of course I wouldn't exist, but perhaps a totally different future would occur. Unlikely, but possible. The only thing I don't agree with is fate. I think life is pretty random, like the randomness of birthing a certain child. Good post.

    1. Really good post. I liked the story of your grandfather and how he met your grandmother, that is really cool. I do however, disagree if humans didn't have myths that they wouldn't be unique. I think it's not the myths that make a human unique, but the experiences that that person has experienced. Your post also got me thinking about my parents lives if they never met each other, which was a pretty new experience for me. Good job!
