Monday, June 4, 2012


I once wrote a paper about the effects of the romance of Disney on a the personal development of a young girl. Phenomena that cannot be explained by the human mind in concrete terms have historically been turned into a story. These tails are emotional and romantic explanations; often with a toe on the physical earth and the rest floats magically in the sky. Questions from the physical world that are beyond cognitive reasoning, are often answered by a simplistic, anecdotal, and romanticised tail. These stories aim to create a faux-reality, more beautiful than the original. It is like a Grecian sculpture of a disproportionate and inaccurate, but beautiful man.

In my paper I described the role that these stories had in changing my view of reality. There is an ease of life that comes with story. All of the beauty is surface-level in actuality, but feels deeper, because of the profound affect it causes in all the actors. However, this is only realized by an older brain. A young girl only sees the power of the script, and desires that feeling to the point of self destruction. Emotion is not so pure as is portrayed in these sorts of stories. Feelings are muddled, always muddled. I did not expect strong emotion to come in a bundle. In stories love is love, but lust, jealousy, trust, and so on are emotions of their own. Two emotions may come together, but they are not mixed. In reality, love is everything at once. It becomes clear that no feeling can be named because there are innumerable options. There are many colors, and there are many tints of each color. This is as the reality of emotion goes. We try to explain the world with stories, but our relationships are much to complicated to be expressed in words. There is no way to explain the sort of large phenomena that are trying to be explained by myth. Sometimes things just are, and cannot be reached by human hands or minds.


  1. This post was so accurate, especially the part that love is a blend of all the emotions. I agree with you that the romances portrayed in Disney movies alters a girls perceptions of what real romance is. I also agree that relationships are very complex, but I do believe that it is possible for them to be betrayed in writing without getting distorted. You made a very interesting point in this post, and the writing itself was beautiful.

    1. Great post! You were very insightful in your description human emotions. They truly are muddled. In popular media, true emotion is rarely expressed, because it makes the story seem less appealing. We desire that world of comfortable simplicity, where we are never conflicted, nor do we experience the confusion of the real world. Emotion is the source of many of our songs, stories, and poetry is our attempt to sort through the twisted mess of our emotions and find some clarity. Good job!

  2. This is wonderful, Ali! The first paragraph is so eloquently written, and you raise quite an interesting point. The media definitely distorts our concept of what life and reality really is. I strongly believe that whenever you are writing or discussing a matter, you have to incorporate the real part of life. The ugly. The 'bad.' Ernest Hemingway, another one of my favorite authors, once said "“I’m trying in all my stories to get the feeling of the actual life across—not to just depict life—or criticize it—but to actually make it alive. So that when you have read something by me you actually experience the thing. You can’t do this without putting in the bad and the ugly as well as what is beautiful. Because if it is all beautiful you can’t believe in it. Things aren’t that way.” I whole-heartedly agree with that statement. This is beautiful, Ali. Nice work!

  3. You raise quite an intriguing point that stories are beautiful exaggerations of reality and that the emotion in them are dwindled down to become simplistic and pure. For example in Sleeping Beauty there was evil and good and nothing in the middle. The prince just knew that he had to go find this tower and woman. There was no doubt or question what he had to accomplish and he followed his heart because of pure love. When in reality people don't strictly follow one feeling, we listen to all of our emotions and doubts that we may have and try our best to make a rational decision out of them. No matter how spontaneous a person may be, they never make a decision by listening to just one emotion or one thought! Everyone weighs something out and there is a mental process to their decision.
